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What is bread

Vadim Gushchin, 2006
BREAD, nowadays, is a food product, which is gradually being forced out of the “civilised” man’s ration. It contains too many calories, in spite of the biblical “take and eat…” But anyway BREAD remains and forever will be the corner-stone of human existence, one of the few concepts, having a direct link with Plato’s Hyperurania. Like EARTH, FIRE or WATER. The idea of bread or bread as an idea, far surpassing the banal long loaf from the supermarket. Try to look at a hardened crust of a stale loaf. More likely it will remind You of childhood, the smell of freshly baked bread, motherly warmth, but at the same time You will remember both the biblical miraculous loaves and Ivan Karamazov, “… who from early childhood bitterly felt that he lives eating others’ BREAD from the benefactor”, and sweat and even blood. Bread is very similar to stone, although in meaning they are direct opposites, too great is the temptation to exchange bread for stone, moreover, that the visual difference between them is almost unnoticeable, as it is in between good and evil.

Pay Your attention to BREAD, take it into your hands and try to listen to its voice.